the art of pottery in Telese

Valle Telesina is famous for its thermal springs and for the wellness centre in Telese Terme, one of the most renowned in Campania. But there is more than the beneficial waters to be found in the valley. In the midst of breathtaking landscapes you will discover a rare, unique and fascinating art: ceramics. Favoured by the abundance of raw materials, especially clay, the first signs of ceramic works in these areas date back to as early as the thirteenth century. The main precursors of this ancient profession were the ceramists of the towns surrounding Telese, Cerreto Sannita and San Lorenzello, which still continue the tradition with great commitment. This profession is still very much alive, and the ceramicists respect the styles, colours, designs and decorations they have learned from their ancestors.
Go to discover these two villages and try to understand a little more about a magical art handed down over many centuries.

"While the eighteenth century reshaped the face of towns and cities elsewhere, giving rise to a church and a palace there, in Cerreto it produced a complete work capable of surprising even the most demanding of visitors." So wrote the journalist Guido Piovene about the small town of Cerreto Sannita. The first historical information about the village dates back to the eleventh century and coincides with the first signs of the art of ceramics in these places. However, the village only saw a significant boom after 1688, the date of the earthquake that razed the city to the ground. In fact, the reconstruction brought in masons, master stonemasons, plasterers and potters, who came from all over Italy to restore splendour to these places.
In addition to ceramics, Cerreto Sannita boasts of an urban centre full of valuable historical and architectural heritage. For example, you can't miss the church of San Gennaro, the Convent of S. Antonio, the seat of the Ceramics Museum, the Annibale Bridge or the church of Santa Maria di Costantinopoli. It is a town that really can surprise you.

One name is enough to understand the importance of San Lorenzello: Nicola Giustiniani. Considered one of the greatest ceramists of the eighteenth century and innovator with his art form, he would go down in history for having created the famous "Giustiniani" ceramic school in Naples. In addition to Nicola, the many workshops scattered throughout the town and the Museum of Ceramics, San Lorenzello is also known for the production of wine, oil and the famous taralli.
San Lorenzello is art, history and culture. It boasts a historic centre characterised by small squares, narrow streets and ancient mansions dating back to the seventeenth-eighteenth century, including the Palazzo Massone, another obligatory stop for visitors to the beautiful Telesina Valley.

How to end a perfect itinerary? With a relaxing and therapeutic bath at the Telese springs, to regain your strength and get in shape, thinking only of your well-being.

See also

view of terme di Telese

Be pampered by the Baths of Telese, among the most renowned in the whole of Campania. You will find spaces of care and well-being for all your needs.